Brawlhalla is a gratuitous-to-play fighting game for up to 8 players with an always-expanding roster of characters. Mako was a graphic symbol added in patch four.07 who resembles a vicious shark capable of wielding either a mighty greatsword or a pair of Katars. There are 5 different skins players can unlock for Mako to turn him into a hammerhead shark, or an orca.

Not just does this fighter look corking, but he too has some powerful attacks and combos that can devastate opponents. Players who are new to Brawlhalla may find Mako a difficult legend to showtime with, but once his abilities take been mastered, he can be i of the more than powerful brawlers in the game.

x Learn & Memorize His Movements

Mako From Brawlhalla

The characters in Brawlhalla each have a range of regular attacks and stronger, signature moves they can utilise in combat. Each attack, particularly signatures, will move the graphic symbol in a sure direction; thus, it is vital to know how a graphic symbol moves and where they will stop up after performing certain attacks.

Any histrion who wants to chief Mako should take him to the training arena and experiment with his signature attacks. Go a feel for how they make him move, and what uses they will have in gainsay.

nine Use The Down Signature For Edgeguarding

Mako Creates A Big Splash In Brawlhalla

Mako's attacks have great utility as they are both powerful, and capable of covering a large altitude across the map. To make the most of this character, it can help to understand some mutual, key strategies, which is why Mako isn't i of the best legends for Brawlhalla beginners.

Ane tactic that Mako excels at is edgeguarding, with many of his signature attacks either catapulting the enemy into the air or firing them sideways off the border of the map. The down signature attack on the greatsword is especially useful when performed on the edge, preventing other players from getting dorsum on the stage once they have been knocked off. To use this signature, simply perform a heavy attack while grounded and pressing the down push.

8 Katars Are Faster...

Mako Surfs Over His Opponent In Brawlhalla

Players can equip this character with either a Greatsword or a ready of Katars, both of which accept their benefits and drawbacks. Information technology's easy to modify a weapon's skin with the plethora of mods available for Brawlhalla, but their move sets remain unchanged.

The Katars are great for players who value speed. Mako's 3 signatures with these weapons execute fast, lethal attacks. While they lack the ability of the Greatsword, these weapons are still more than capable of catapulting enemies of the edge of the map when used as part of the right combos.

Signature Moves For This Weapon

  • Down Sig: Pressing heavy attack and down will make Mako spin rapidly in a vortex, which tin exist steered in any direction. Mako cannot motion while charging this assault.
  • Neutral Sig: Perform a heavy attack while pressing no directional buttons. Mako will vanish into a pool of water and erupt out delivering a static uppercut.
  • Side Sig: Doing a heavy attack while pressing left or right volition cause Mako to dive into the terrain and dash across the map in the respective direction. Charging this attack can carry the graphic symbol most of the style across the arena.

7 ...But The Greatsword Is Stronger

Brawlhalla Characters Armed With Greatswords

While the Katars are bang-up for speed and maneuverability, the greatsword is the weapon of choice for players who want raw impairment and power. Many attacks with this weapon deal significant damage, and the signatures are smashing for knocking players off the edge of the map.

The one drawback of the greatsword is that players will need to time their attacks in order to make the nearly of them. When using this weapon, it is recommended for players to concur back and wait for the opportunity to knock their opponent off the map with a devastating signature.

Signature Moves For This Weapon

  • Down Sig: This move will make Mako spring into the air and pound his sword into the basis, releasing a shockwave that will damage opponents on both sides. As mentioned above, this assault is perfect for keeping players off the stage once they have been knocked off.
  • Neutral Sig: This attack volition make Mako dive into the stage before rocketing diagonally into the air. Once the enemy is airborne, Mako volition slash them back down with his sword.
  • Side Sig: As with the Katars, this attack volition make the character swoop into the stage and shoot frontward in the direction existence pressed. When charged, this attack will easily cover the length of the loonshit.

6 Avoid Playing Off-stage Confronting Axes

Mako Attacks With His Greatsword In Brawlhalla

While Mako is a very powerful legend, he isn't invulnerable, and there are a lot of ways other characters tin can punish his attacks if the thespian is not conscientious. Brawlers with guns, like Laura Croft, can keep their altitude and try to interrupt his moves with ranged attacks.

Another weapon that does well against Mako is the axe. These blades have some very powerful attacks which, similar the greatsword, are capable of knocking an unsuspecting actor straight off the map. When facing an opponent with an axe, avert fighting them off stage every bit their strong spinning attacks will make it hard for Mako to get dorsum on the platform without being hit and knocked out.

five Use Recovery To Juggle Opponents

Mako Uses His Down Sig In Brawlhalla

As a shark, Mako has several attacks that make him dive beneath the map into a puddle of water. Both neutral signatures on the Katars and greatsword will make him do this, and erupt back out of the ground to throw opponents into the air.

Recoveries are special attacks performed by executing a neutral heavy attack in mid-air. This move carries the player further up than a regular jump, making it very useful for getting back onto the phase. Mako can also utilize these attacks to juggle opponents he has sent flying with his other signatures, making them easier to knock off the border.

4 Don't Spam Attack

Mako From Brawlhalla Winds Up His Attack

Brawlhalla is a unique fighting game in many respects. That said, it still follows the aureate rule of nigh fighting games, which is that near beginners will showtime by mashing the assail buttons, and anyone who wants to principal the game will need to stop doing this.

Button mashing will not only make characters uncoordinated and hard to control, just it tin can as well leave them vulnerable to an enemy counterattack. Mako's combos work best when executed with precision and careful planning, and then players need to lookout their opponents and go on dodging until the opportunity to strike presents itself.

3 Some Katar Attacks Take Agile Inputs

Mako From Brawlhalla Uses His Neutral Sig

The Katars are the more maneuverable of Mako's two weapons. Most of their attacks can be executed very fast, leaving the enemy little time to reply or dodge.

The all-time feature of Mako's katars is that some of their signatures active inputs, meaning the role player can steer those attacks left or right after they have been executed. Both the side and downward signatures for Mako have this ability, significant the player tin negate their opponent's dodges past navigating the attack left or right to chase after their foe.

2 Side Signatures Are Great For Reaching The Edge

Brawlhalla's Mako Rides A Tidal Wave

Players only starting Brawlhalla should never panic just considering their character has been knocked off the stage. Well-timed jumps, dashes, and recovery attacks provide numerous means for a graphic symbol to become back into the arena if they have been sent flying off the border.

Getting back onto the platform is easier for Mako than for many other characters, due to his powerful side signatures that can comprehend incredible distance. This works better with the Greatsword, but even with the Katars, players who take been catapulted off-phase tin can use their side Signature to rocket back to the wall, where they can jump back onto the platform.

ane Fight With Lights, End With Signatures

Mako And His Team Celebrate Victory In Brawlhalla

While signatures are a graphic symbol's most powerful attacks, they are far from the only option. It is a common mistake among new players to ignore light attacks completely, just knowing when to use them is vital to getting meliorate at the game.

Many of Mako's signature moves are well-nigh powerful against opponents who are close to the edge. If the player overly relies on signatures, they risk leaving themselves open up to enemy attacks. As such, it is all-time to use light attacks when battling enemies on the platform, and execute the signatures when foes are in the perfect position to be finished off.

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Twitch Streamer and YouTuber Kika Has Died at Age 21

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